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Monday, June 15, 2009

Boys Vs. Girls

Do boys and girls really deal with people in very different ways? Yes, say researchers..

A test was conducted to show the difference. We made some lemonade, but instead of putting in sugar, we deviously put in salt — lots of it.

The different answers that the boys and girls gave us when we asked them if they liked the lemonade spoke volumes.

Being Polite vs. Being Honest

"So how's the lemonade?" I asked Aaron and Jacob. Aaron said, "Eech!" They both said it tasted bad.

Raja told, "It needs some sugar." Hunter said, "It tastes terrible."

The boys responded the way they were given something foul.

Based on a theory, "Boys are allowed to talk back to their parents more than girls are, to assert their will more."

Would girls react differently? Of course they are,

Courteously, Morgan said, "It's good."

Again and again, the girls politely drank, even a girl who looked as if she was choking it down.

Only when we pushed them, they will tell the truth.

Asked one girl, Samantha, why she didn't tell the lemonade tasted bad. She said, "I didn't want to be rude to you."

"I just didn't want to make anyone feel bad that they made this so sour," Asha said.

Most boys didn't worry about that.

Tried another test, offering the kids brightly wrapped gifts. Again, following the theory, filled each box with a disappointing gift: socks and a pencil.

Once again, the girls were polite.

Samantha said her gift was good. Another little girl, Courtney, was even more enthusiastic, saying, "Just what I needed. Socks and a pencil!"

I must say, the girls have a skill I lack; anyone who gives them a gift is going to feel good about it.

The boys weren't about to make we feel good. "What?" Raja said, "socks and a pencil? Rip-off!" Jacob had a similar reaction

Morale of the story, boys and girls have barrier between them.. Boys are too honest. They just expressed what they want to say
even though it seems rude. That is why sometimes a girl mad at boys,
because they being too honest..

But, for girls, they are polite. Always hide the truth, to comfort others.
They care other people more than themselves.
Only they know what they feels, keep it for themselves..

best regards,

:: dont worry, be happy & smile always ::


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